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Q: What is Sea Moss?

A: Sea Moss is a powerful superfood grown on the Atlantic coasts in tidepools. Sea Moss is an all natural, edible sea plant that contains essential minerals and vitamins that may assist in our bodies optimal performance. It removes mucus from our bodies that cause most diseases and illness.

Q: How do I use it?

A: Sea Moss can be taken by the spoonful out of the jar or can be mixed in a variety of foods and drinks such as smoothies, acai bowls, sauces, teas, coffee. We suggest taking it first thing in the morning however you can take it any time of the day!

Q: How do I store my Sea Moss Gel?

A: Sea Moss is an all natural product and needs to be refrigerated. Our products all shipped with temperature control in mind. If there is any an issue, please see our shipping and refund policy in the product item description. If you are ordering more than one, it can be stored in the freezer until use for up to 6 months. If your jar cracks in the freezer, kindly send us an email with a picture attached and we will send you a new one!

Q: How long will it last?

A: We recommend you consume within 2-3 weeks for maximum freshness. However, if ordering in bulk, you may freezze your extra jars until you are ready to use them and will be good for up to 7 months in the freezer!

Q: Can I take Sea Moss while pregnant and is it good for children and toddlers?

A: Absolutely! Think of it as taking prenatal vitamins everyday, except better! Sea Moss contains the majority of nutrients and minerals babies need in the womb and out. It can aid in swollen legs and feet, fatigue, restlessness, and so much more. YES! It is safe for kids! Sea Moss may help in their digestive system and promote healthy growth.

Q: How long does it take to see the first sea moss effect?

A: Everybody is different and responds to nutrients in it’s own way. Some people might notice changes sooner, while others may take a bit longer.
We generally recommend giving your body time to adjust and absorb the multitude of vitamins and minerals that sea moss provides. It's also in line with the idea that consistency is key to experiencing the full range of benefits.

* It is important to note that some individuals have reported feeling positive effects within the first week, even days!

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